Created especially for the Civil War Sesquicentennial, which marked the 150th Anniversary of the Battle at Gettysburg and Lincoln's most famous speech, "Lincoln at Gettysburg" continues as one of The Lincoln Project's most popular programs!
What does it all mean?
This is the question asked by the entire country -- North and South alike -- and by Lincoln himself. The President has come to the small Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg to "make a few appropriate remarks" at the dedication of the new cemetery. So many men fought and died on this ground. As Lincoln ponders his notes for the speech, the audience learns about the cost of war, the price of freedom, and the self-sacrifice of the common soldier. Just what is America worth?
A moving presentation that will both educate and enthrall.
This is the question asked by the entire country -- North and South alike -- and by Lincoln himself. The President has come to the small Pennsylvania town of Gettysburg to "make a few appropriate remarks" at the dedication of the new cemetery. So many men fought and died on this ground. As Lincoln ponders his notes for the speech, the audience learns about the cost of war, the price of freedom, and the self-sacrifice of the common soldier. Just what is America worth?
A moving presentation that will both educate and enthrall.